Search Results
Digital and computational approaches to study determinants & consequences of the spread of COVID-19
Modeling Health Social Determinants on COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality to Understand Inequities
How computer modeling has helped the response to the Covid-19 pandemic
Anna Hotton & Jonathan Ozik: ABMs to Understand Social Determinants of Health as Epidemic Drivers
Understanding Causal Impacts on the Spread, Incidence, and Mortality of COVID-19
Computational Epidemiology and Decision Making at the Time of COVID-19
Computational and experimental approaches to study virus evolution
'Studying health and migration using social media' with Emilio Zagheni
Neurologic and Psychiatric Effects of SARS-CoV-2 Meeting: Day 2
Population Health Colloquium: Understanding COVID-19 through Computational Models & Expert Judgment
TADA-BSSR Webinar: Analyzing Complex Behavioral, Social and Population Health Data for COVID-19
IUSSP Webinar. Family Planning Research under the COVID-19 Pandemic.